Choosing Your Dog

Choosing Your Dog

Choosing Your Dog

  Choosing the dog that is right for you, your family and your circumstances is  a big responsibility. It is important that the decision is not made on impulse, and that you consider both your needs and those of the dog. A poor choice can lead to unhappiness for you, your family and your dog.

Factors to consider before choosing a dog

  • How big is your garden and what type of fencing and gates do you have? 
  • How much time can you spend  at home with the dog? 
  • Can you afford the food,  vet and registration costs? 
  • How much time can you commit  to training, exercising and  grooming your dog?
  • Does your general lifestyle suit a dog? • What will you do with  your dog if you travel?
  • What are the ages of any  children living in the home?
  • Will your dog be allowed inside  or have to stay outside?
  While there are many issues to consider before getting a dog, you and your family should be able to ind a breed  or cross-breed to suit your lifestyle. A good way to start the process of selecting the right dog for you is to  use an interactive program such as Select-An-Owner. If you  would like to see or interact with various breeds of dogs, you could attend a dog show or visit your local dog obedience club. 

  Animal shelters such as the RSPCA or Animal Welfare League have many dogs in urgent need of loving homes and the details for these organisations can be found at the back of this book. Shelter staff can also offer valuable advice regarding which dog might be best suited to your family and lifestyle. 


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